Sunday, September 28, 2014

Looking Up at Trees

Looking up at trees

While lying on my back

Presents an interesting view;

They seem more majestic to me

Than they usually do.

But any way I choose

To look at one of these --

Standing, sitting, or lying down --

A tree just has to be

One of our Maker's

Greatest gifts around.

First published in  my book, "Precious - Collected Poems" - 2009

Dancing Light

Autumn's mellow golden sun

Streams through rippling branches

Performing nature's ballet

Across rug, bookcase, and wall --

Surely as valid as clustering

Chrysanthemums with pumpkins

On front porch steps

To celebrate this season, fall.

(From my book, "Beauty Abounds - 2010)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Celebrating Autumn

        My favorite season of them all!  How do I enjoy September, October and November?  By:

***decorating our front porch with chrysanthemums, usually in shades of yellow and gold and rust, sometimes wine.  Of course, I have to add just the right pumpkins.  I check them out at the roadside stands as though they're going to be permanent, so important is it to get just the right shape and size, with a stem that curls just so and has a touch of green on it.  And always now that I have him, I put out Cletus, our harvest figure.  He's the cutest little fellow, about 3 feet high, with a farmer's cover-alls, plaid shirt, straw hat and happy expression on his face.  When I found him at Wal-Mart some years ago, just knew he was the one I had to take home.  Asked a friend who grew up here in Tennessee, "What's a good Southern name for a farmer?"  She thought for awhile, and same back with Cletus.

***taking a drive through the countryside, exploring back roads, to see pumpkins growing in the fields--so delightful to me.

***eating crisp apples and cinnamon donuts.  I've even added yummy hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream over at Starbucks, imbibed outside early on chilly mornings.  My favorite spot is a table at one corner of the building where the cold winds come whistling around.

***reveling in autumn leaves.  I make angels in the leaves on our neighbor's hill (yes, I do this); standing outside when leaves are pelting down just like I'm standing under a rain shower, rejoicing as they land in my hair; rolling in a pile of just-raked leaves with one of our dogs who gets a kick out of messing everything up.

***sleeping with the windows open.  (Is there anything quite like non-air conditioned air?)

***taking the time to watch October's mellow golden sun stream through wind-rippled branches and perform a ballet across rug, bookcase, and wall--one of nature's many magic shows.

***in order to have our yard light up come spring, planting dozens of daffodils, putting in pretty-faced pansies.

You fellow autumn-aficiandoes no doubt have your own rituals to celebrate this season, but these are some of mine.

(This essay is from my 2011 book, "Sitting On a Rock, Thinking")

Pumpkins in Mist

Vapor rising in cool September air

Shrouds picturesque pumpkins --

              Ready for the local fair

              Ready for porch decorations

              Ready to just be.

A perfect autumn scene

So very Tennessee

(From "And Angels Smile", 2006)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Autumn Night

A big bright moon shines

Through the nearly bare tree

Beside our second-floor window

We almost had cut down and didn't.

Branches shoot out from the main trunk

As if sculpted--picturesque to my sight.

Snow-white curtains move softly in the breeze.

Those I love sleep quietly.

Outside, woodland creatures --

Raccoon/fox/skunk/possum --

         Are no doubt

         Up and about.

I feel His love surround us all

This serene September night.

(From my first published book, "For Love of Christ" - 2006)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Love at First Hold

        Great literature and music through the ages have waxed eloquently on the experience of love at first sight.  But for me, with our very first pet it was love at first hold.

        There we were at the pet store getting treats for some neighbor's dogs, when we happened to wander over to an area where there were some dogs.  A couple were on some newspapers in a wire enclosure, visible to the public.  I looked down, and there was this tiny, probably 8-week-old little black velvety puppy.  His eyes were closed, and a bigger puppy, a rather feisty Chow was trying to play with what would be our doggie.  I picked up this little furry thing, and bingo, fell head over heels in love.  My husband was watching this, and after some time of no doubt seeing the rapturous look on my face--can't begin to describe what I was feeling at that moment--got out his checkbook and said, "Well, I guess we have to take this one home."

        As anyone who knows who has fallen in love with an animal, it is an experience that borders on the divine.  Words fail when one tries to capture the feelings.  But people's faces say all that needs to be said on the subject.  Isn't love wonderful!

(This is from "Beauty Abounds - Poetry and Prose" published in 2010.)